Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.

So I joined cross country! yay for me(: I so was out of shape): my first practice was a kill let me tell you I was so sore once I got home. A nice bathe in the jacuzzi loosened me up a bit. but then going back and forth to get my physical was a hassle. I went to one doctor and she didn't give me permission cause she heard a slight heart murmur in case you don't know what that is its just and extra beat in between the normal beats. So I had to go to this other doctor and he signed me off so that was a relief. I also am recovering from step throat which is simple the throat was swollen. Today was also my last meet for the season and it was the city one, ohh boy I have been up since 6 in the morning and took a little nap during the day. There was also homecoming today which I went to with my boyfriend but that was a fail. So this past month i have pushed my self to the limit ran till I couldn't give it my all anymore. you can accomplish your goals if you put your mind and heart to it.
Ill be training for winter track then soccer season.